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What’s Your Agenda?

Selangor Pakatan Rakyat leaders have questioned the agenda behind the Selangor Islamic Religious Council's (Mais) defiance of the attorney-general's decision to close the seized Bibles case and its refusal to return the 321 Bibles to the Bible Society of Malaysia (BSM).

PAS Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad said Mais's defiance suggested the council had a hidden agenda.

"We are concerned that they are behaving as if they do not acknowledge the official stance of‎ the government chosen by the rakyat.

"Their actions are tantamount to separating the Sultan of Selangor from the rakyat," he told The Malaysian Insider yesterday.
DAP Klang MP Charles Santiago said Mais was being disrespectful to the legal institution and the executive body leading the Selangor government.

"It is clear that Mais does not respect the A-G. So who is behind Mais?

"Many are angry with Mais's actions. If Mais is bent on sabotage, per‎haps it has another agenda," he told The Malaysian Insider.

Mais said yesterday the 321 Malay and Iban Bibles seized from BSM's office in Damansara Kim on January would not be returned.

It also wanted action taken against BSM for circulating Malay Bibles.

‎Mais chairman Datuk Mohamad Adzib Mohd Isa said they believed there was a case against the society under the Selangor Non-Islamic Religions (Control of Propagation among Muslims) Enactment 1988.

Mais also claimed the Selangor government had‎ no power to order the Selangor Islamic Religious Department (Jais) to return the Bibles.

Its statements flew in the face of A-G Tan Sri Abdul Gani Patail's decision on Wednesday to close the case, and Selangor Menteri Besar Tan Sri Abdul Khalid Ibrahim's orders the following day to Jais to return the Bibles to BSM.

‎Yesterday, Khalid said he would meet Mais's chairman next week to discuss the issue.

Other parties included in the meeting would be the Selangor Mufti Datuk Mohd Tamyes Abd Wahid, state religious exco Sallehin Mukhyi, state ‎legal exco Datuk Nik Suhaimi Nik Sulaiman and Jais.

‎Charles said that Mais's actions would only worsen the situation and tarnish Islam's reputation as a tolerant religion.

"This would have an impact on Islam's good name," he said, adding that Mais's move was akin to declaring war against other religious believers.

Seri Andalas state assemblyman Dr Xavier Jayakumar said Mais should be aware of the country's legal system, which was monitored by the A-G's Chambers.

"Mais cannot have special responsibilities that go above the ‎A-G's Chambers. Don't try to change the country's legal system.”

He said the quarters advising Mais to take such action must understand the council was answerable to the state government.

"We must obey the laws. We cannot act as if we know more than others. Otherwise, we will face problems in the future."

- News courtesy from The Malaysian Insider
- Related news: MAIS will cause people to lose respect in Sultan, says PAS lawmaker (The Rakyat Post)

-The Office of MP for Shah Alam-


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