Semasa saya terlibat dalam usaha dakwah di UK satu ketika dahulu, kami mendapati bahawa ramai dari kalangan penganut Kristian tidak tahu bahawa Nabi Isa (AS) diiktiraf sebagai seorang Rasul oleh Islam. Begitu juga Nabi Ibrahim, Nabi Musa dan hampir kesemua para Nabi yang diiktiraf oleh agama Kristian turut diiktiraf oleh Islam. Kecuali kumpulan yang tidak diiktiraf Islam ialah ‘Nabi’ selepas Nabi Isa, termasuk penulis Bible yang digelar sebagai ‘Prophet’ oleh mereka. Apabila mereka didedahkan dengan maklumat ini, maka ianya boleh menyebabkan mereka ingin tahu apa yang dikatakan Al-Quran mengenai Nabi Isa dan menjadi satu titik tolak bagi mereka untuk mendampingi Al-Quran.
Anyway, he is not fit to be a politician. He fits the role of a mole.
Awak masuk umno sebab umno. Apa tu???....haha
Nak jadi politician lagu tu ka jawap??? patutlah madey boleh jadi presiden.
Umno knew that and they established Perikatan - a political party system where one race party takes care of its own race.
It worked well but for only 10 yrs until 1969 this system failed. And umno had to create DEB to stifle CHINESE change of heart.
GE2008 saw Chinese held onto the system but choose political parties from Pakatan instead.
What we are seeing is people are happy that PAKATAN is replacing BN to work for a better KEMAJMUKAN di Malaysia
Kau masuk UMNO tahun 1986 sebab kau melayu RACIST !!!!!!!! Orang2 macam kau lah memusnahkan KEMAJMUKAN di Malaysia
Tak boleh lah lagu tu. lagi banyak dibuat lagu tu, dan kemudian dilepaskan, rakyat akan timbul percepsi menteri2 ni bodoh tak PiKiR sebelum ambil tindakan.
kalau setakat nak menakut-nakutkan sorry laaa. Rakyat dan berani sebab kau bodo...haha
Murder or Assassination is an act by the killer and it depends on the motive of the killer.
Very often, murders are related to relationships, whereas assassinations are related to BELIEFS.
or did you mean Malays are to rule the country no matter what?
Singapore was part of Malaya and there are indians, bugis, javanese, etc but is Singapore a Chinese country now?
India has only one race and its called India. China has only one race and its caleld China. But malaysia is multiracial. You cannot call Malaysia a malay country
But take these friends as your enemy and fight agaisnt stupidity and abusers of POWER !
mat Sabu, kau rampas je lah presidentcy PAS