Saya ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengemukakan sebuah kisah dari zaman pemerintahan Saidina Umar Al-Khattab (r.a) untuk tatapan dan renungan tuan-tuan sekalian. Melalui pendedahan ini, adalah diharap sebahagian dari ummat Islam yang tidak memahami konsep keadilan Islam terhadap agama lain, akan sedikit sebanyak dapat memikirkan kembali sikap dan pendirian mereka itu. Kisah yang ingin dikemukakan adalah kisah Saidina Umar dan Kanisah (gereja) Al-Qiamah yang terletak di Quds. Kisah ini adalah petikan dari muka surat 114, kitab Itmam al-Wafa’ fi sirah al-Khulafa’ , tulisan as-Syeikh Muhammad bin al-Afifi al-Banjuri, Darul Ibnu Hazim. “Dan apabila masuknya Saidina Umar ke dalam kota, maka masuklah beliau ke dalam Kanisah (gereja) al-Qiamah, dan beliau duduk di ruang utama gereja tersebut . Setelah tiba waktu solat asar, maka berkata Saidina Umar kepada Patriach Kanisah tersebut, “Saya ingin mengerjakan solat.” Jawab Patriach: “Solat sahajalah di sini”. Tetapi Umar menolak cadangan...
Syabas and saya amat yakin, dengan kewibawaan YB, masa depan Malaysia pasti cerah dengan kepimpinan anda.
Encik Beh, KL
if we hear or read something that comes from ignorance, let's just ignore it, or if we are capable of replying to it like our good mp khalid samad is, then we should reply in a calm and cool manner with logical arguments, as our good mp khalid samad did.
thanks, tuan mp. may Allah bless you.
M'sia will have a brighter future with Pakatan Rakyat and PAS playing significant role in the New M'sia.
It is ridiculous for any Muslim who wilfully visits a place of worship of the Kuffars to expect them to remove their objects or symbols of worship to accommodate him or her?
If the Muslim visiting a Kuffar's temple, church, gurdwara or monastery does so in his or her position as the leader of the community, district, state or nation, then he or she should just visit the Kuffars and acknowledge their rights to worship as per what the Surah Al Kafirun Chapter 109 : entails!
We are all individuals belonging to a certain race or tribe descending from 1 source ~ Prophet Adam Alaihis Salam - created by Allah the Almighty from earth / clay taken from all parts of the world by the Malaikat Sayyidina Izra'il Alaihis Salam who was eventually appointed by Allahu Ta'ala to be His Angel of Death.
Thus we all share a common ancestry yet today are divided into all kinds of people and differ in our faiths although the only Faith that Allah taught Adam our Father was Al Islam.
We have been given the Faculty of Reason to find out and learn about the Truth, our Birthright to worship Allah the Only Creator of us all.
Thus, we who are Muslims ought to be just and fair in our daily interactions with those who are yet to be so.
Anyone Muslim making demands upon the Kuffars to remove any emblem, insignia or idol of the Kuffars in the course of his or her official visit to such places of worship ought to remember the example of Sayyidina Umar al Khattab when the 2nd Caliph of Islam visited Jerusalem after successfully recapturing it from the Christians as pointed out by YB Khalid Samad.
History is there as a guide fir those of us alive today.
Do not be unjust in the name of Islam.
Islam is the International
System of Living for All Mankind.
Put it to practice and be fair to all.
Insya Allah.
Well said YB!
Congratulations to you.