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Tourism 'missions': Answers Wanted, Cover-up Feared [Video]

Shah Alam parliamentarian Khalid Samad expressed fear that the discrepancies could stem from attempts to hide or cover up certain figures.

"This may be an attempt to hide certain figures. It is inconceivable that the figures can change just like that. It may be an attempt to manipulate or massage the figures. Maybe they want to hide that there were ten officers on a trip instead of two?" he opined.

Khalid also questioned the ministry's blanket answer that the rise in tourist arrivals is proof positive that Ng's frequent overseas 'missions' were successful.

"More importantly are the effectiveness of the missions. If they are promoting Malaysia to tourist or our products, then there must be records on how effective it has been. How many tourists from the specific country visited us and how many products they bought? This they have to answer," he stressed.

Access the full story on Malaysikini and the video on youtube.
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-


Anonymous said…
I agree..

there should be traces

like photographs, news paper cuttings, minutes of meetings, schedules etc.

very easy to audit.

please follow up..

its about time the ministers get accountable to the rakyat!
Muhammad said…
Pengajian Syeikh Fahmi : dan INTENSIF TALAQQI KITAB 2010. : dan Majlis Maulid : dan Majlis Ta’lim Bulanan :

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