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Displeasure Over Home Minister and Perkasa President's Antics

KUALA LUMPUR, 11 OCTOBER, 2010: Shah Alam MP, Khalid Samad today conveyed his disappointment with Home Minister, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin for his answer in Parliament that his ministry has managed to solve 21,000 out of 35,000 missing person cases.

Khalid said, as a minister, Hishammuddin should set a higher Key Performance Indicator (KPI) to optimize the abilities of the authorities in this country.

“I’m so disappointed with minister’s (Hishammuddin) answer. It seems like he was proud when he’s giving the answer. 14,000 cases that are still unsolved is not a small matter. It is not an achievement to be proud of,” said Khalid.

“If that is the level that he was proud of, the performance of the authorities in our country will not increase,” he said.

Khalid added that he believes Hishammuddin is trying to cover up the weaknesses of the authorities in this country and that Hishammuddin, as a minister, should ensure that further actions will be taken to strengthen the system.

Meanwhile in separate press conference, Khalid also condemned the action by Pasir Mas MP, Ibrahim Ali for not standing up during a moment of silence to respect the death of Batu Sapi MP Edmund Chong who died in road accident last Saturday in Kota Kinabalu.

“He should be expelled from the Dewan for disrespecting the order from Speaker,” said Khalid.

“This is a barbaric act that seems to indicate that he is the true ‘Malay warrior’ and do not respect the non-Malays,” he added.

Khalid said that he, along with other Opposition MPs will be urging the Parliament to take action against the Perkasa president.

Earlier, Speaker Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia made an official announcement of the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) member's death in Dewan Rakyat and parliamentarians stood up for a one-minute silence tribute.

However, several MPs claimed that Ibrahim did not stand up and were seen to speak on his mobile phone which is against the Dewan’s rule.

Courtesy of MalaysianDigest
Berkaitan: 35,000 kes orang hilang memalukan
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-


Anonymous said…
Seriously Khalid, with the resource that the PDRM has, and increasing case in every crime department, 60% missing person cases solve is pretty ok. Have you actually try to compare the statistic with other countries? You should, because we DID solve a lot of missing person cases compare to some other countries. Be thankful for that, at least we DO solve cases.

What would you have the government do? Move its entire people to solve the missing person cases? Please remember that there are other IMPORTANT business that need to be attended as well. You of all people should know this. What DID YOU DO Khalid? Did you help in finding the missing person? So stop complaining.
Anonymous said…
So what? He have proven to all of you umpteen times nobody, i repeat,nobody can touch him - he has the carte blanche to do, to speak,to curse, to swear as he likes.Nothing will happen to him,dont worry all of you.


Tarling and Burrows’ 2004 study of Metropolitan Police missing person cases found that 99 per cent of cases were resolved within one year. (Tarling and Burrows, 2004: 20).

A large majority of missing person cases are resolved very quickly, and most missing people are located. Around 0.6 per cent of missing person cases are resolved when the missing person is found to have died.


The length of time, or duration, of being missing depends on the individual’s circumstances when they went missing. Most young people who run away do so for only a short period, but some people lose touch with family members and friends gradually, and they can be missing for a very long time. People also tend to report vulnerable missing people quickly.

In 2004 Tarling and Burrows found that more than three quarters of a random sample of 1,000 Metropolitan Police missing persons reports were resolved within 48 hours. The same study found that 99 per cent of missing persons cases were resolved within one year. (Tarling and Burrows, 2004: 20).

Anonymous said…
Pejuang bangsa atau pun tidak buka persoalannya. Persoalannya apa itu perjuangan bagi PAS?
1. Kemana perginya janji PAS untuk jadikan Malaysia Negara Islam?
2. Kemana perginya janji PAS untuk jalankan Hukum Hudud?
3. Mengapa PAS tidak perjuangkan isu kalimah Allah?
4. Kenapa PAS benarkan bukan Islam masuk ke masjid untuk berikan tazkirah?
Terlalu banyak persoalan yang meragukan. UMNO berlakon atau tidak perkara kecil. Sekurang-kurangnya mereka perjuangkan perkara-perkara di atas.

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