By Neville Spykerman (The Malaysian Insider)
SHAH ALAM, Aug 18 — Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad has warned that Perkasa is deliberately trying to whip up religious and racial tension to give Barisan Nasional (BN) an excuse to use the Internal Security Act (ISA) against the opposition.
The Malay rights group has been at the forefront of warning off those who question affirmative action policies for Bumiputeras and recently a Shah Alam church that wanted to hold a Christian play during the Ramadan fasting month. The church had called off the play before Perkasa lodged a report two days ago. “I fear it’s an overall strategy that BN is implementing now in the run up to the next general elections and it will culminate in another Operasi Lalang,” the PAS lawmaker told The Malaysian Insider.
Khalid was commenting on Perkasa’s move to lodge a police against the Grace Shah Alam Church and its pastor here, comparing it to the 1987 security crackdown where 106 opposition leaders and social activists were detained without trial under the ISA.
Perkasa wants the church and Pastor Joseph Marcose investigated for planning to stage a Christian play in Muslim-majority Shah Alam during the Ramadan fasting month.
Petaling Perkasa chairman Zainal Abidin Ahmad lodged a police report against the Protestant church and Marcose for sedition.
Khalid believed the BN government was looking for an excuse to crackdown and appealed to all Malaysians to ignore “the ship which is sinking.”
“They have demonstrated once again that they are incapable of uniting the nation, behaving maturely and responsibly,” he said.
Khalid said Perkasa was driving another nail into BN’s coffin by exploiting the racial and religious issue which will also serve to disunite Malaysians.
He said Christians had every right to use the Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC), which it in the middle of the Selangor state capital.
Khalid pointed there should not be any problem so long organisers clearly state that the programme is for non-Muslims, so that Muslims can stay away.
“It’s not like they are hiding in the shadows to fool authorities,” he said.
Khaild also pointed out that Muslims were mature and strong enough in their own faith and would not be threatened by a Christian event.
Zainal Abidin told The Malaysian Insider yesterday that Perkasa wanted the church and pastor to be investigated for sedition and for insulting the Sultan.
He said the church was being insensitive for planning to stage the play “There is Hope” at SACC during the fasting month.
Although the play is not meant for Muslims, he expressed fears the church was deliberately attempting to propagate Christianity to Muslim
He pointed out that a Ramadan bazaar is held around SACC and buka puasa buffets are held in the premises
Zainal Abidin said his concerns were not unfounded and referred to an article written on the Internet by Marcose entitled “Kenapa kita berada di Shah Alam” (Why we are in Shah Alam) which shows that the church’s plan is to propagate Christianity to everyone in Shah Alam.
However, Marcose said the September 4 play has been cancelled due to the long holiday break, with many worshippers away during that time.
He also explained the play was planned in conjunction with National Day and meant only for non-Muslims.
Marcose also pointed out his article, which was posted on a church website, was meant only to encourage church members.
“It’s just a church bulletin for our members. We did not publish it anywhere,” he said.
Marcose said the church was fully aware of the law and denied it had intended to propagate its faith to Muslims.
Besides the police report, Perkasa has also submitted a memorandum to the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) and SACC.
He has urged MAIS to advise the church that its play is against the Selangor Islamic Enactment and the Constitution, which restricts the spreading of other religions to Muslims.
Courtesy of The Malaysian Insider
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-
SHAH ALAM, Aug 18 — Shah Alam MP Khalid Samad has warned that Perkasa is deliberately trying to whip up religious and racial tension to give Barisan Nasional (BN) an excuse to use the Internal Security Act (ISA) against the opposition.
The Malay rights group has been at the forefront of warning off those who question affirmative action policies for Bumiputeras and recently a Shah Alam church that wanted to hold a Christian play during the Ramadan fasting month. The church had called off the play before Perkasa lodged a report two days ago. “I fear it’s an overall strategy that BN is implementing now in the run up to the next general elections and it will culminate in another Operasi Lalang,” the PAS lawmaker told The Malaysian Insider.
Khalid was commenting on Perkasa’s move to lodge a police against the Grace Shah Alam Church and its pastor here, comparing it to the 1987 security crackdown where 106 opposition leaders and social activists were detained without trial under the ISA.
Perkasa wants the church and Pastor Joseph Marcose investigated for planning to stage a Christian play in Muslim-majority Shah Alam during the Ramadan fasting month.
Petaling Perkasa chairman Zainal Abidin Ahmad lodged a police report against the Protestant church and Marcose for sedition.
Khalid believed the BN government was looking for an excuse to crackdown and appealed to all Malaysians to ignore “the ship which is sinking.”
“They have demonstrated once again that they are incapable of uniting the nation, behaving maturely and responsibly,” he said.
Khalid said Perkasa was driving another nail into BN’s coffin by exploiting the racial and religious issue which will also serve to disunite Malaysians.
He said Christians had every right to use the Shah Alam Convention Centre (SACC), which it in the middle of the Selangor state capital.
Khalid pointed there should not be any problem so long organisers clearly state that the programme is for non-Muslims, so that Muslims can stay away.
“It’s not like they are hiding in the shadows to fool authorities,” he said.
Khaild also pointed out that Muslims were mature and strong enough in their own faith and would not be threatened by a Christian event.
Zainal Abidin told The Malaysian Insider yesterday that Perkasa wanted the church and pastor to be investigated for sedition and for insulting the Sultan.
He said the church was being insensitive for planning to stage the play “There is Hope” at SACC during the fasting month.
Although the play is not meant for Muslims, he expressed fears the church was deliberately attempting to propagate Christianity to Muslim
He pointed out that a Ramadan bazaar is held around SACC and buka puasa buffets are held in the premises
Zainal Abidin said his concerns were not unfounded and referred to an article written on the Internet by Marcose entitled “Kenapa kita berada di Shah Alam” (Why we are in Shah Alam) which shows that the church’s plan is to propagate Christianity to everyone in Shah Alam.
However, Marcose said the September 4 play has been cancelled due to the long holiday break, with many worshippers away during that time.
He also explained the play was planned in conjunction with National Day and meant only for non-Muslims.
Marcose also pointed out his article, which was posted on a church website, was meant only to encourage church members.
“It’s just a church bulletin for our members. We did not publish it anywhere,” he said.
Marcose said the church was fully aware of the law and denied it had intended to propagate its faith to Muslims.
Besides the police report, Perkasa has also submitted a memorandum to the Selangor Islamic Religious Council (Mais) and SACC.
He has urged MAIS to advise the church that its play is against the Selangor Islamic Enactment and the Constitution, which restricts the spreading of other religions to Muslims.
Courtesy of The Malaysian Insider
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-
Pendapat saya kita umat Islam di negara ini patut hormati golongan bukan Islam untuk beribadah. Sikap toleransi mesti ada, baru tiada rasa perasaan benci akan Islam dan akan menjauhi lagi Islam dari sanubari mereka.
Saya baca buku2 mengenai org bukan Islam yg setelah telah beriman, mereka2 ini byk melihat contoh2 umat Islam berakhlak baik iaitu antaranya bertoleransi sesama manusia dan tentulah juga mendapat hidayah dari Allah S.W.T.
Apabila mereka lihat org Melayu Islam yg tiada sikap toleransi, mereka pikir Islam yg tiada toleransi. Jadi saya pikir, tindakan PERKASA adalah tidak wajar.
Perjuangan Melayu adalah hak mereka tapi jangan keliru atau sempitkan dgn perjuangan dakwah Islam.
Saya berketurunan India and berugama Hindu, Saya telah belajar Sejarah Islam semasa Tingkat 6 dan Undang-undang Islam di universiti. Pada pendapat saya agama Islam adalah agama yang cantik, baik dan teratur. Saya telah banyak menghafal surah-surah dari Al-Quran yang telah memberi saya banyak manafaat dan saya berani mengaku pemahaman saya mengenai ugama Islam berkemungkinan lebih baik dari ramai orang-orang Islam yang lain. Nabi Muhamad pernah bersabda bahawa umat Islam perlu menghormati ugama lain. Malangnya ada golongan ektremis yang memperlekehkan ugama lain. Sebagai seorang manusia yang waras kita tidak akan hormat mereka yang memperlekehkan ugama dan bangsa kita. Sebagaimana kita mahu orang lain menghormati ugama kita, kita juga perlu hormati ugama orang lain walaupu kita tidak bersetuju dengan cara penyembahan atau ritual mereka. Ramai rakyat bukan Islam rasa terkilan dengan pelampau-pelampau yang saban hari bangkitkan isu-isu agama untuk kepentingan politik mereka. Pelampau-pelampau ini bukan terhad kapada ahli-ahli politik sahaja tetapi ia juga telah menular ke sekolah dimana segelintir guru-guru yang sering meracuni hati kanak-kanak yang dengan menimbulkan isu bangsa dan ugama. Kerajaan perlulah menangani masalah ini dengan segera kerana ekstremis ugama dan kaum amat berbahaya dan mampu mengugat kesejahteraan rakyat kita yang berbilang kaum dan ugama
YB terlupa, menyebut nama Ridhuan Tee yang telah memalukan umat Islam, dimana beliau telah mengeluarkan tulisan yang tidak setaraf dengan manausia sejagat.
Harap Ridhuan Tee berani keluar menjadi calon utk pilihanraya akan datang.
Tapi saya sebagai melayu akan mempertahankan perlembagaan Persekutuan yang termaktub Melayu & Bumiputra adalah tuan di tanah melayu ini.
Hormat sikit orang melayu! jangan tikam belakang kami.
bosan la politiking macam kambing ni..asyik nak bertekak je..
Adakah orang KAFIR akan membaca TALKIN di tepi KUBUR mu.
Dimana mu letakan ALLAH.
Adakah apabila orang KAFIR memangkah BULAN ......
Di mana HUDUD yang di janjikan
elok jangan menulis supaya kebodohan umno di tonjolkan terlalu jelas.
The problem with you and the rest of your Pakatan members is that you always think that others are stupid...You can't accept differences of opinions. Your pakatan talks about "tolerance" but the way they behave do not show any tolerance at all towards other people views. You do not do what you preach!!!....
That reminds me of an old folk saying that kalau jumpa ular, jangan ketuk ular,ketuk orang yang macam berkopiah macam YB yang talam dua muka!!!!!
Dan semalam aku terbaca dalam laman web malaysian insider (klik sini) yang pengerusi siera management sdn. bhd., syarikat yang menguruskan sacc, datuk muhammad adan telah mengesahkan yang event anjuran gereja grace itu telah dibatalkan.
Aku nak ucapkan terima kasih kepada PERKASA daerah petaling kerana aku yakin dengan usaha merekalah event itu di batalkan. Terima Kasih PERKASA.
Ironi juga walau pun rakyat Msia semakin menuju ke arah sifat2 individualistik tapi tidak mampu mempertahankan kepercayaan sendiri sehingga selalu meletak dan menyalahkan org lain cuba menukar agama kaum mereka.
Sepatutnya kita tak kira Melayu (Islam)/Cina/India/Kristian/Budha/Hindu dll. memperkuatkan fahaman masing2 bukan semata2 membuang masa melihat org lain sebagai ancaman, lalu sibuk buat laporan polis sana sini, tapi membiarkan kaum sendiri kehausan didikan agama dan moral.
Marilah kita mengamalkan perjuangan yg berprinsip, berdisiplin dan jelas arah tujuanya serta mendapat panduan dari yg Maha Kuasa.
Sebagai rakyat satu negara kita tidak boleh lari dari hidup bersama2 mengharungi suka duka kehidupan ini.
Masing2 ada hak yg perlu ditunaikan sebagai warga negara, tapi hak2 ini tidak boleh dipelihara dgn sempurnanya sekiranya kita mengamalkan perkauman yg nyata perjuangan yg sempit.
Kita harus memandang jauh ke hadapan dan berani mengubah apa2 yg menghalang yg boleh membantutkan cita utk seluruh rakyat bersatu dlm kepelbagaian fahaman, sekali gus menyelesaikan segala permasalahan negara yg telah berakar umbi selama lebih 50 tahun yg lalu.