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Media Biased

Speaking at Sosialisme 2009 forum organised by Parti Sosialis Malaysia, Khalid admitted that Malays were losing interest in Pas and blamed it on a "biased media".

"We have a problem in gaining Malay support because we don't have the power to control the media.

"They (the media) are giving the wrong impression, such as in Perak, that Pas is being manipulated by DAP."

He said the media tended to highlight news which created the perception that Pas and Pakatan Rakyat were working for the interest of non-Malays.

Khalid said Malay dailies were also very biased and unfair, unlike the Chinese media.
"The Chinese media is more independent, which is why the non-Malays are politically smarter and advanced."

Asked whether Pas president Datuk Seri Abdul Hadi Awang, often described as a weak leader, was also the cause for the lack of support from Malays, Khalid said: "That is the impression given by the media. If he is weak, he would not be the president.

"As a result, Pas overreacts in some cases, trying to establish our Malay, Islamic credentials, and that is where the problem starts."

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-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-


May Hwang said…
Dear En. Khalid,

It was a pleasure to have your presence at the Shah Alam Buddhist Association's Charity Night Dinner last Saturday (14 November 2009).

I am impressed. I cannot recall any UMNO MPs making an effort to get to us (non-Muslim, non-Malay) let alone attending an event organized by us in our long years governed by BN. Perhaps stepping into a Buddhist Association would deem one Muslim as kafir?

I want to express a big thank you for making the effort.

Warm regards,
Rakyat Malaysia said…
Dear YB,

I think its good not to shift all the blame to the media although it can't be denied that they are indeed bias.

Your PAS colleagues such as Hasan Ali, Nasrudin (The Youth Chief) and their exploits are well known. Are you saying the banning of beer, concerts and the JAIS (which is under the control of Hasan Ali) arrest on the ex-Perlis and others controversies they created are all to b e blame on the media?

The Unity Govt by PAS President issue also is a figment of imagination and all lies?

I think PAS should also do something positive themselves to reverse this negative trend.

The first step towards this is to sack peoplke such as Hasan Ali.
Anonymous said…
Rakyat Malaysia said..Your PAS colleagues such as Hasan Ali, Nasrudin (The Youth Chief) and their exploits are well known. Are you saying the banning of beer, concerts and the JAIS (which is under the control of Hasan Ali) arrest on the ex-Perlis and others controversies they created are all to b e blame on the media?
Just to clarify..
JAIS is under His Masjesty Sultan of Selangor not under Hasan Ali. This has been said by Tan Sri Khalid the MB of Selangor.
On sale of beer..Hasan has say it loud n clear that he is against the sell of beer in muslim majority area only not whole Selangor. I think it fair.
Tinta Hitam said…
I agreed that Dr Hassan Ali had poorly managed the beer issue.

Some pint to ponder.UMNO create a brouhaha about the beer issue.Muslims and non muslims alike negatively reacted to the issue albeit albeit in different way.UMNO win the war hands down.

My questions are we know that UMNO is big liar,why did we believe everything it throw on us without double checking or at least try to undestand it? Second Hassan Ali never tried imposing the alcohol to non muslims? So why reac tin such way? Third why did DAP Ronnie Liu react in such manner by ordering the enforcement officers to return back the consfiscated beer? He should be tactful when handling the issue because it involved muslims sensitvities.He had voluntarily played into UMNO hands.

It seem everybody tango according to UMNO music
Rakyat Malaysia said…
I wish to thank Anonymous and Tinta Hitam for commenting on my posting.

First of all JAIS may indeed under His Majesty the Sultan of Selangor but somehow i do not think His Majesty would have treated the ex- Perlis Mufti in such shabby manner and have 30 JAIS and policemen just to arrest one harmless religious preacher and Dr. Hasan is in charge of the religious portfolio in the exco. So i think we could judge our selves who the real culprit is.

On the sale of beer, yes, indeed Dr. Hasan said that beer should be sold in Muslim areas only. But the law also says that those granted license to sell beer can set up shop anywhere. It the retailer is silly enough to sell something that the majority of the people does not consume its also his right. Let me pose this question, if you sell beef would you do it in a Hindu neighbourhood knowing full well Hindus can consume beef? Logic would say no but why do we need to regulate even that. If someone sell beer to Muslim, then prosecute that person under the law.

Another matter is the beer was confiscated illegally and officers never checked their status and this was also confirmed by the Mayor.

Another interesting question is what defines a Muslim majority area, is it 51%, 60% or 90%? Can Dr. Hasan answer that? What about the rights of non-Muslim? Had Dr. Hasan thought about that?

The point is Dr. Hasan had a chance to offer a more amicable and logical solution but he choses to sensationalize the issue. That we can't blame it all on UMNO as he himself aspires to be and UMNO MB, just as Tn. Hadi aspires to be and UMNO Deputy P.M.

Just a reminder, his despicable cruade still continues to this day.

On another matter, thanks Y.B. Khalid for showing us all that you are an MP for all.

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