"...Khalid Abdul Samad (PAS-Shah Alam) criticised Razali (BN-Muar) and claimed that the demonstration in front of Ubudiah Mosque leading to the stopping of Raja Dr Nazrin's car was proof of the people's disappointment with what happened.
He claimed that Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) were hiding behind the Malay Rulers after they could not face challenges.
"Umno's act to drag in the Malay Rulers is an insult to the institution and opposed by the people," he said..."
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-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-
He claimed that Umno and Barisan Nasional (BN) were hiding behind the Malay Rulers after they could not face challenges.
"Umno's act to drag in the Malay Rulers is an insult to the institution and opposed by the people," he said..."
More from The Nut Graph
-Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-
UMNO pasti akan lebur pada PRU 13 nanti Pak
Kalah menang hak dan ketentuan ALLAH TAALA...UMNO boleh menerimanya sebelum ni.Bagaimana PR?Kalah buat fitnah?