The 4th of November saw Najib responding to all the issues raised with regards to the 2009 Financial Budget. The Financial Budget was presented by Abdullah Badawi on the 29th of August as his last act as the Finance Minister. The Budget was debated on at the Conceptual Level (Peringkat Dasar) since the 13th of October and ever since the first day the PR MPs have insisted that the Budget which was prepared at the end of August was no longer accurate and needed amendments. This was fundamentally due to drastic reductions in the Revenue brought on by the fall in crude oil and commodity prices. In the face of these persistent demands from the PR MPs, Najib refused to accede, to the very last day, the 4th of November.
411 may bring new meaning to the Feng Shui exponents and adherents as it was surely the date where Najib made a blundering start to his new role as the Finance Minister. Confidently unaware of the implications, or was he just arrogantly indifferent, he started his speech by announcing new measures and incentives which were never included in the original budget! He started by insisting at the very offset that he would not allow any questions or interruptions during his presentation. Not only was he about to make a major blunder, he insisted on doing it with style!
After our objections having fallen on deaf or at least unsympathetic ears, the PR MPs walked out of the Dewan. We were very aware of the fact that what was being done by the Finance Minister was highly irregular and even unconstitutional. Najib raved on, ridiculing DSAI and PR in the process while promising a RM 7 Billion incentive package achieved through the restructuring of the Petrol Subsidy (read as reducing the subsidy from 30 sen per litre to who knows what) which will then be used to build houses for the poor and the such. The deficit will rise to 4.8% from 3.6% he said gleefully, happy that it has yet to reach double figures and growth and inflation rates were announced anew. And the BN MPs clapped and clapped and showed their support and voted for the Budget to be approved. They all then left happily thinking what a great speech it was by Najib and how he would make a fine PM and how much nicer the Dewan was without the opposition!
The next day, the 5th of November, they were all in for a shock! After the question and answer session was over, the discussion on the Budget at the ‘Sub-committee’ level was to ensue. At this level we are to discuss the figures in detail for each Ministry and expense code. At this point it was asked, “which budget are we to discuss today? (as mentioned in theSun and Malaysiakini) the one presented on the 29th of August or the one presented by Najib the day before? If the one presented by Najib, where are the new breakdown figures, we asked, as with the new deficit, new incentives etc. etc. the figures would surely have changed!” The thick books which were given to us earlier with all the breakdown figures were of course based on the earlier, original budget.
The Dewan was thrown into confusion for close to an hour and at about 12.15 pm, the Speaker adjourned the session for it to be reconvened later in the day. At 2.30 pm, the Speaker announced that the official Budget is that which was presented on the 29th of August, turning Najib's speech into nothing but hot air, budget ‘main-main’, ‘a political speech’ and everything else except the Budget! Also, see this piece on Themalaysianinsider.
It must surely have been a serious blow to Najib’s pride, turning from hero to zero in 24 hours. Yet he only has himself to blame. Contrary to our well intentioned advice, for the Budget to be amended at the very beginning, he stubbornly soldiered on. Even at the later stages we highlighted the need to present any amendments through a motion complete with the list of figures to be amended, he persisted in doing it his own way.
His indifference to the rules was the cause for this bungle. An indifference which does not bode well for the country in times to come IF he is to become the next Prime Minister.
WalLahu 'Alam
411 may bring new meaning to the Feng Shui exponents and adherents as it was surely the date where Najib made a blundering start to his new role as the Finance Minister. Confidently unaware of the implications, or was he just arrogantly indifferent, he started his speech by announcing new measures and incentives which were never included in the original budget! He started by insisting at the very offset that he would not allow any questions or interruptions during his presentation. Not only was he about to make a major blunder, he insisted on doing it with style!
After our objections having fallen on deaf or at least unsympathetic ears, the PR MPs walked out of the Dewan. We were very aware of the fact that what was being done by the Finance Minister was highly irregular and even unconstitutional. Najib raved on, ridiculing DSAI and PR in the process while promising a RM 7 Billion incentive package achieved through the restructuring of the Petrol Subsidy (read as reducing the subsidy from 30 sen per litre to who knows what) which will then be used to build houses for the poor and the such. The deficit will rise to 4.8% from 3.6% he said gleefully, happy that it has yet to reach double figures and growth and inflation rates were announced anew. And the BN MPs clapped and clapped and showed their support and voted for the Budget to be approved. They all then left happily thinking what a great speech it was by Najib and how he would make a fine PM and how much nicer the Dewan was without the opposition!
The next day, the 5th of November, they were all in for a shock! After the question and answer session was over, the discussion on the Budget at the ‘Sub-committee’ level was to ensue. At this level we are to discuss the figures in detail for each Ministry and expense code. At this point it was asked, “which budget are we to discuss today? (as mentioned in theSun and Malaysiakini) the one presented on the 29th of August or the one presented by Najib the day before? If the one presented by Najib, where are the new breakdown figures, we asked, as with the new deficit, new incentives etc. etc. the figures would surely have changed!” The thick books which were given to us earlier with all the breakdown figures were of course based on the earlier, original budget.
The Dewan was thrown into confusion for close to an hour and at about 12.15 pm, the Speaker adjourned the session for it to be reconvened later in the day. At 2.30 pm, the Speaker announced that the official Budget is that which was presented on the 29th of August, turning Najib's speech into nothing but hot air, budget ‘main-main’, ‘a political speech’ and everything else except the Budget! Also, see this piece on Themalaysianinsider.
It must surely have been a serious blow to Najib’s pride, turning from hero to zero in 24 hours. Yet he only has himself to blame. Contrary to our well intentioned advice, for the Budget to be amended at the very beginning, he stubbornly soldiered on. Even at the later stages we highlighted the need to present any amendments through a motion complete with the list of figures to be amended, he persisted in doing it his own way.
His indifference to the rules was the cause for this bungle. An indifference which does not bode well for the country in times to come IF he is to become the next Prime Minister.
WalLahu 'Alam
I like your ending with the 'IF' in caps.
It is my prayer that this scum of a human being called Najib will never become the PM of this beautiful country which has been given to us by God.
We will be punished by The Almighty if we allow this man who hasn't a modicum of decency, morality and who falsely invokes God's name, to lead His nation.
Pakatan can save this country from this Devil's Advocate.
Najib can be the PM of UMNO but not of Malaysia.
Surat Terbuka Kepada Pakatan Rakyat ~ Khususnya SELANGOR
Merujuk kepada perkara di atas, kami 321 orang pembeli rumah Desa Kerayong Indah. Jeram, Kuala Selangor, Selangor ingin melahir rasa terkilan yang teramat di atas keengganan dan kegagalan pihak Pakatan Rakyat untuk menyelesaikan masalah kami ini. Kami telah berurusan lebih 3 bulan hanya untuk membuat temujanji melalui PA DSAI. PA beliau asyik berjanji untuk menemukan kami semua, namun sehingga kini, tiada sebarang perkembangan langsung.
Kami Pembeli yang 100% Melayu Islam ini masih tidak lagi mendapat pembelaan yang sewajarnya. Malahan YB Iskandar di dalam jawapan bertulisnya melalui e-mail memaklumkan bahawa kerajaan negeri (PR) memerlukan sebanyak RM70 juta jika memutuskan untuk meneruskan projek tersebut.
Kami amat kesal kerana Pakatan Rakyat sejak mula memegang tampuk pemerintahan Negeri Selangor sejak Mac 2008 yang lalu terlalu asyik menumpukan kepada perkara-perkara untuk menonjolkan diri dan mencari populariti sehinggakan tidak langsung menampakkan tanda-tanda untuk membantu rakyat yang selama ini memberikan sokongan kepada mereka.
Kalau dahulu, janji yang dicurahkan untuk memegang kuasa pemerintahan barulah boleh membantu rakyat jelata. Sekarang apabila telah memerintah di Negeri Selangor ini, kami merasakan seolah-olah tertipu dengan janji-janji manis untuk membantu rakyat.
Umpama pepatah mengatakan, terlepas dari mulut harimau, masuk pula mulut buaya.
Mengapa terlalu sukar untuk berurusan dengan bangsa Melayu Islam seperti kami ini? Mengapa isu babi, isu pasir, isu PKNS, isu air dan sebagainya yang melibatkan bangsa lain cukup cepat untuk diselesaikan oleh Pakatan Rakyat?
YB EXCO Selangor Sdr Ronnie Liu pernah mengeluarkan kenyataan bahawa saman terhadap kerajaan negeri Selangor akan diselesaikan di meja rundingan ( Kami merasakan ianya amat berbaloi dengan sokongan yang diberikan selama ini terhadap Pakatan Rakyat. Namun ianya berakhir disitu sahaja tanpa apa-apa tindakan susulan.
Malahan YAB Menteri Besar Selangor (Tan Sri) sendiri yang telah mengeluarkan kenyataan semasa salah seorang pembeli yang hadir ke pejabat beliau semasa sessi bertemu rakyat baru-baru ini dengan tegas menyatakan bahawa kerajaan negeri Selangor tidak akan meneruskan projek tersebut dan meminta supaya kami yang teranaiya ini menarik balik saman yang dikemukakan.
Apakah erti semua ini? Dimanakah janji-janji Pakatan Rakyat yang selama ini heboh memperkatakan bahawa Pakatan Rakyat adalah gabungan parti untuk merakyatkan ekonomi Selangor. Susah sangatkah untuk seorang pemimpin untuk bertemu dengan rakyat?
Perlukah kami menjemput media dan kemudian barulah Pakatan Rakyat akan bersetuju untuk bertemu dengan rakyat?
Kalau di masa pemerintahan Barisan Nasional dahulu di Negeri Selangor ini, Pakatan Rakyat sering mencanangkan kepincangan kerajaan pimpinan Barisan Nasional. Tetapi kini apabila telah memegang tampuk pemerintahan, kami seolah-olah tidak lagi bermakna dan ingin melarikan diri daripada menyelesaikan masalah rakyat.
Malahan semasa Penamaan Calon PRU-12 di Komplek Sukan Kuala Selangor (Stadium) kami telah mengadakan demontrasi aman dan diberikan ruang di kem Pakatan Rakyat untuk menunjukkan kegagalan Barisan Nasional menyelesaikan masalah kami. Pada masa itu Pakatan Rakyat seolah-olah adalah HERO kami semua.
Namun begitu apabila telah memenangi Piliharaya Umum ke-12 yang lalu bermula dari Mac 2008 sehingga Oktober 2008 (10 bulan) ini, kami langsung tidak nampak apakah jalan penyelesaian yang telah dan akan diambil oleh kerajaan Pakatan Rakyat yang diketuai oleh YAB Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim. Malahan kami seolah-olah disekat untuk bertemu dengan pemimpin atau memang itulah amalan pemimpin-pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat.
Kami tambah terkilan apabila YAB MB Selangor telah sanggup hadir di Lobi Parlimen pada 6:45 petang 4 November 2008 yang lalu, walaupun sidang Dewan Rakyat telah berakhir dengan kesemua Pembangkang keluar dari Dewan Rakyat sebagai tanda protes. Mengapa beliau sanggup berada di Lobi Parlimen (sidang telah tamat)? Sedangkan untuk bertemu dengan rakyat beliau tidak mempunyai masa?
Seringkali alasan yang diberikan adalah Pakatan Rakyat baru memerintah Selangor. Berikan kami (Pakatan Rakyat) masa untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini. DSAI sibuk dengan urusan 16 September. Kemudian selepas itu, DSAI sibuk di Parlimen, DSAI ada temu janji yang lebih penting. Janji sebegini telah lapuk.
Bagaimana dengan hutang kami kepada pihak bank yang perlu dijelaskan pada setiap bulan? Bergolok bergadai, suami isteri bergaduh telah lama kami alami akibat kegagalan Kerajaan Negeri Selangor menunaikan janji untuk menyiapkan sebuah rumah untuk kami dengan wang hasil dari titik peluh kami sendiri.
Andai inilah kaedah dan kesombongan yang diguna pakai oleh pemimpin Pakatan Rakyat, bukanlah salah untuk kami semua rakyat untuk menyesali memilih Pakatan Rakyat di dalam PRU-12 pada 8 Mac 2008 yang lalu.
Rakyat yang teranaiya
Desa Kerayong Indah
Bila lagi nak tukar tampuk pemerintahan.