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Showing posts from November, 2008

Video "Saya Pro Pakatan Rakyat"

"Saya telah lama kenal Anwar dan saya tidak pernah menjadi pengikutnya. Walaupun saya hormat dia dan saya bersetuju dengan apa yang dia sedang usahakan. Saya kenal Anwar semenjak saya di UK dulu, dia memimpin ABIM dan saya salah seorang dari pemimpin Suara Al-Islam. Saya balik ke Malaysia saya tak masuk ABIM dan saya masuk PAS. Tidak pernah tinggal PAS dari tahun 1983. Saya menyertai PAS dan Anwar ada masuk BN keluar BN dan sebagainya. Saya bukan Pro Anwar, Saya Pro Pakatan Rakyat..." Video adalah ihsan dari Darulbayan, terima kasih diucapkan. -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Video Perbahasan Timb. Menteri Kerja Raya

YB Khalid Samad bersama rakan-rakan PR mempersoalkan rasional kadar 10% pengurangan tol yang dicadangkan oleh pihak kerajaan tanpa melaksanakan satu kajian terhadap implikasi penggunaan lebuhraya pada waktu malam terlebih dahulu. Tidakkah sepatutnya kajian dibuat dahulu dan barulah dikemukakan satu cadangan? Pada hakikatnya adalah mendukacitakan kerana diskaun yang benar-benar prihatin tidak dapat diberikan. Video adalah ihsan dari pihak MPPAS , terima kasih diucapkan. -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Karnival Sukan MPP Zon 6

Gambar Hiasan: YB Khalid 'berlumba' lari bersama cucunya. Badan sihat, otak cergas! Tarikh : 6 - Disember - 2008 Masa : 830pagi - 1 petang Tempat (Perasmian) : Dewan Merbau MBSA Sek 17 @ Pejabat MPP Zon 6 Majlis Perwakilan Penduduk (MPP Zon 6) Shah Alam buat julung kalinya menganjurkan Karnival Sukan MPP Zon 6. Karnival tersebut mempunyai 3 acara sukan iaitu Futsal, Bola Tampar dan Bola Jaring. Karnival ini terbuka kepada warga MPP Zon 6 dan Shah Alam umumnya. Bagi yang berminat menyertai acara-acara tersebut boleh manghubungi secara terus dgn pihak urusetia yang berkenaan : Futsal - En. Khairul Afandi ( 012-651 9014) Bola Tampar - En Fitri ( 016-275 6277) Bola Jaring - Cik Suhaida - ( 013-260 6268 ) / Cik Fara - (019-736 0436 ) atau hubungi Pembantu Tadbir MPP Zon 6 - ( 03-5542 7615 ) Penyertaan adalah tertakluk kepada syarat-syarat pertandingan yang telah ditetapkan. Pendaftaran hendaklah dihantar selewat-lewatnya 2-Disember-2008. Pasukan Bola Jaring masih membuka...

Membatas Jualan Minuman Keras

Oleh: Jimadie Shah Othman , Malaysiakini “...Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam (MBSA) menjadi pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) yang pertama di Selangor - di bawah pentadbiran Pakatan Rakyat - yang akan membataskan jualan minuman keras berkuatkuasa Januari depan...” “...Sementara itu, Ahli Parlimen Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad ketika dihubungi mengesahkan penerimaan majlis itu (MBSA) terhadap cadangan yang dikemukakan seorang ahli majlis itu. Katanya, beliau difahamkan, perkara itu telah dibincangkan dan diterima oleh wakil DAP sendiri . Cuma, tambahnya, terdapat sebahagian daripada ahli majlis daripada kalangan PKR* yang menentang cadangan itu. Bagaimanapun, Khalid berkata, setakat yang beliau tahu, PAS tidak pernah mengarahkan ahli-ahlinya mengemukakan permohonan membataskan penjualan minuman keras di negeri (Selangor) itu. "Perkara ini tidak pernah dibincangkan di peringkat parti," katanya ...” “...Mengulas lanjut isu tersebut, Khalid menegaskan, apa yang dilakukan ahli majlis PAS...

Majlis Bersama Pimpinan

Tarikh: 28-Nov-2008 (Jumaat) Masa: 9.00 Malam Tempat: Restoran An-Najihin, Tmn Bukit Saga, Seksyen 26 (sebelah kilang Proton), Shah Alam Aturcara: 8.00 malam - Makan Malam 8.45 malam - bacaan Ayat Suci Al-Qur'an oleh adik Mohd Najib Mohd Nassuruddin (9 tahun) 9.00 malam - Ucapan Oleh Tn Hj. Khalid Samad (MP Shah Alam) 9.45 malam - Ceramah oleh Ust. Mohd Nassuruddin Hj Daud, (Speaker DUN Kelantan, ADUN Meranti) Untuk acara makan malam pada pukul 8.00 pm, sila dapatkan tiket dari Din (019-2867395), Azhar (017-3370565) atau Basir (017-3355733). SEMUA DIJEMPUT HADIR BERAMAI-RAMAI. Bagi Pihak PAS Cawangan Taman Bukit Saga Sek. 26, Shah Alam . -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Ceramah Umum "Harapan Baru Untuk Malaysia"

Assalamualaikum/Salam Sejahtera Satu ceramah "Harapan Baru Untuk Malaysia" akan di adakan pada hari rabu 26hb November 2008, butirannya seperti berikut: Tajuk Ceramah : "Harapan Baru Untuk Malaysia" Tarikh : 26 November 2008 Tempat : Dataran Mayang, Dewan Sek 16, Shah Alam Selangor Masa : 9.00 malam Penceramah 1. YB. Yaakob Sapari 2. YB. Khalid Samad 3. YB. Gobalakrishnan 4. YB. Saifuddin Nasution Anjuran Parti Keadilan Rakyat Bahagian Shah Alam -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Change in The Selangor Leadership

[Dalam Dwibahasa] People have been asking me about the recent changes in the PAS Selangor state leadership, namely my being replaced as the Deputy (2) State Commissioner and Shaari Sungib being replaced as the PAS State Information Chief. Many explanations have been forwarded, some bordering on the absurd. Let’s just say I have a difference of opinion on certain issues with some of the leadership team, the details of which are not relevant. I have been very critical of some issues and this has been on-going since we formed the state government under the PR. After 8 months, as we still cannot see eye to eye on these issues, I believe it is best that I be replaced from the leadership team. The issue was discussed in the 11-man Dewan Harian meeting, which I attended, and when the State Commissioner suggested that I be replaced, I agreed. Dato Dr. Hassan Ali deserves to have a team which is fully supportive of him so that he can do what he feels as necessary to fulfill the objective set by...

Dr. M & Race-based Party

The Perdana Leadership Foundation organised a discourse series on 'Bangsa Malaysia' in Putrajaya last week. I did not attend it myself; however, reading from some of the remarks made by Dr. M, prompt me to write something. I was somewhat bemused by a number of his statements, particularly in the article posted by Rocky's Bru: If PAS is not a race-based party ... . After March 8, we are more racial than ever. Former Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad has told those who say the last General Election was a vote to reject race-based parties and politics to stop deluding themselves. "We have become more racial than ever since the last General Election. We debate about race every day, more than before," he said. In an off-the-cuff lecture on Bangsa Malaysia in Putrajaya this morning, he said if the outcome of the March general election was a rejection of racial politics, there would be less talk about race today. Instead, race has become a central issue since March. Tha...

Video Perbahasan Peruntukan KPDNHEP

YB Khalid Samad membahaskan peruntukan Kementerian Perdagangan Dalam Negeri dan Hal Ehwal Pengguna (peringkat Jawatankuasa) yang menyentuh soal dasar dan perancangan kementerian berkenaan inflasi, hal ehwal pengguna: billboard dan perdagangan dalam negeri: minyak harta rakyat. Video adalah ihsan dari MPPAS , terima kasih. -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Can A Non-Muslim Hold Positions of Power in An Islamic Government?

An anonymous visitor made some comments regarding my respond to the article published on Malaysiakini. The comments are about not trusting the non-Muslims and that they will inevitably stab the Muslims in the back. He/She also said that historically the Muslim governments of the past never appointed non-Muslims to top government posts. OK, lets put it this way. As Muslims, we must have a belief in man’s desire for justice, be he a Muslim or a non-Muslim. We then present to all the Islamic political system which sees justice as it’s core objective and seek their support for its implementation. Some may support it whole-heartedly and become Muslims themselves. They should then become members of the same movement as propagators of the Islamic system which seeks the establishment of justice for all. Others may support only the political system, believing in the need for a strong spiritual and moral role for any system to be just. They remain as non-Muslims while supporting the Islamic pol...

Distributive Justice - Response to Tome Cruise (2)

Dear YB, Thanks for your prompt and comprehensive response to my comments. I am touched. I better put my reply in point forms for readability. 1. Umar Al-Khattab opposed the taking over the fortune left behind by the retreating Roman army. Syria and Palestine were under the Romans for over six centuries, from the time since before Jesus Christ. The Romans were the landlords and much of the local pouplation were slaves or peasants, working the lands. When the Muslims arrived, they could have taken over the lands legally by the standards of that time. However, Umar Al Khattab saw that such a move, although allowed by law, would lead to economic injustice. The locals being poor, would continue to be poor and disenfranchised because the economic system and social circumstances were such. Umar, understood that Islamic social justice needed a social reform to be undertaken. While allowing some lands to be bought by the Muslims, he ensured that the locals too would be allowed to develop econo...

Effective Education & Evolutionary Process of Change

Jed Yoong asked :- 1. YB, Thanks for sharing your more exciting conversations/debates in our august house. What do you think of the theory that "masalah perkauman" is also to some extend an invention of the politicians to maximise their advantage even on the Pakatan side? Is racial polarisation really so serious these days? I agree that that is generally the case. However, when it takes the form of instilling fear and hatred of and towards a certain race as they are presented as a race, which wishes to destroy the other races,then it is racism. When one speaks of justice for all races and a belief in the ability of all races to live together in peace, helping one another to develop, I do not see it as a form of racism or racial politics. Please also read my next piece on Dr. M that will be publish later today. [update 21/11: read it here ] No, I do not think that it is actually as serious as it is being made out to be by the BN and its media. 2. I am currently evaluating how...

Video Komitmen Berterusan Kerajaan

YB Khalid Samad mempersoalkan komitmen berterusan pihak Kerajaan berkenaan gantirugi atau ex-gratia terhadap mereka yang telah dizalimi dan juga mengenai pertuduhan penyelewengan sebahagian dari peruntukan RM40 juta PPRT negeri Kelantan semasa sesi penggulungan Menteri Pembangunan Luar Bandar dan Wilayah. Video adalah ihsan dari MPPAS , terima kasih diucapkan. -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

CIJ Wants Select Committee to Review Media Law

by Sharon Tan Khalid Samad (Shah Alam-PAS) said one must go back to basics where the role of the media is concerned. “As far as the current administration is concerned, they are still not fully clear of the role of media. For as long as these laws are there we will never be able to have an independent media. “When you don’t have an independent media then the whole system of parliamentary democracy will not be able to function effectively because the public is being denied the basic information on which decisions are made. “As long as the independence of media is being curtailed, the correct information does not reach Malaysians. The media can play the role as a watchdog, check and balance to ensure there is accountability,” he said. More from The Edge Daily -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

BN Tidak Tahu Tangani Masalah Perpaduan

Tuan Haji Khalid bin Abd. Samad [Shah Alam]: Sinilah. Yalah, saya rasa terima kasih Yang Berhormat Sungai Siput. Saya rasa memang pengakuan daripada Yang Berhormat Rembau itu Kerajaan Barisan Nasional memang buntu. Dia sudah tidak tahu macam mana hendak buat. They have no idea. They are lost dan bagi kami daripada PAS, daripada PKR dan DAP kita telah menunjukkan caranya. Sikap yang pada asalnya yang begitu keras yang ditunjukkan oleh HINDRAF pada asalnya disebabkan sikap yang keras ini, minta maaf ya, menunjukkan kegagalan MIC dan Barisan Nasional. [Tepuk] Ini kerana MIC sepatutnya menjelaskan kepada masyarakat India apa yang sebenarnya masalah yang dihadapi oleh mereka. Akan tetapi mereka seolah-olah memberikan gambaran punca masalahnya ialah orang Melayu. Oleh kerana itu maka ada kemarahan orang-orang HINDRAF terhadap masyarakat orang Melayu. Di sini MIC gagal dan ia berlaku oleh kerana politik kaum yang diamalkan di mana orang Melayu, orang Cina dan orang India tidak boleh duduk s...

‘We cannot trust PAS’ on Malaysiakini

I wish to respond to an article placed in Malaysiakini entitled ‘ We cannot trust PAS ’ by Arvin Kalam Pereira. It was brought to my attention by a few friends but due to the busy schedule, what with the seemingly never ending celebration of us Malaysians, Hari Raya then Deepavali then Haji, I did not get to put finger on keyboard until today. The article suggests that PAS cannot be trusted. Issues raised are as follows:- Mdm Low’s Appointment PAS' track record since the March 8 election and its recent position with regards to the appointment of Low Siew Moi as acting CEO of PKNS has shown up the true racial character of the party. PAS has publicly objected to the appointment of Low as acting CEO of PKNS - an objection based solely and only on the basis of her race - so said PAS Selangor after acknowledging that her capabilities were not in question My response on the PKNS issue has been posted on my blog since the first day the issue hit the papers. I will not respond in detail ag...

Response: Question Of Economic Justice

I wish to respond to the issues raised by Tome Cruise in my blog relating to PAS’s stand on certain economic policies by the Kedah state government in particular and economic justice in general. Before I jump in headlong into the issues, I wish to recall a discourse given by Almarhum Ustaz Fadhil, our late President of an incident in the time of Umar Al-Khattab, the second Caliph. During Umar’s time, the Muslims liberated Syria from Roman rule. The Syrian populace who were left behind by the retreating Roman armies were mainly peasants, working the lands for their Roman landlords. When the Romans and their collaborators were displaced, the Muslims moved in. The Muslims, being economically better off, wished to take over the estates, farms and the such and fill in the vacuum left by the Romans, economically and politically. Umar opposed this and was very persistent in ensuring that the local population who although were not yet Muslims at that time, be protected economically. He allowe...

Parliament: Budget Debate, PM’s Department

[Dalam Dwibahasa] Many issues were raised during the two days when debating the PM’s Departmental Budget last week. This included issues on the role of the BTN, BPR, Religious Affairs and Judiciary amongst others. The debate was lively with full participation by the PR MPs and the BN MPs looked rather subdued. Maybe they finally realised what a smack on the face it was for Najib when the Speaker opined that the budget tabled by Dollah on the 29th of August is the official budget being debated. Talk about being slow! Anyway, I wasn’t too inspired by the idea of debating a budget presented on the 29th of August which the new Finance Minister himself is not ready to defend. After all, he did try to ‘ smuggle ’ the new budget in with RM 7 Billion incentive package through the back door didn’t he? Nonetheless, we obliged and debated it and a few interesting issues cropped up. The first was obviously that pertaining to the ex-gratia payments to the judges who were told to resign in 1988. Na...

Good News Comes in Pairs

1. RPK’s release from detention under the ISA Frankly, RPK’s release took me by surprise. As someone who has been detained under the ISA before, I was very sceptical of his chances for release through the courts, all be it by harbeas corpus. It has always been my view that they have designed the law so well that release will only be achieved when they decide to release you. I have witnessed in the past that even when successful, they just detain you again and you are back at square one! Well, I am pleasantly surprised and kudos to the judge who was brave enough to judge in his favour. Also, kudos to the police who bungled the detention order and may there be more bungles like that in the future. Hats off to the people who stood by RPK’s side through out his ‘experience’ and may I be proven wrong again in matters such as this in the future. 2. Decision on DSAI’s case Good news comes in pairs, or so it would seem. Immediately after RPK’s case, we hear the judgment pertaining to the Gover...

Video Pembayaran ex-gratia: What Have We Learnt?

Tuan Haji Khalid bin Abd. Samad [Shah Alam]: Terima kasih Yang Berhormat Menteri dan Yang Berhormat Tuan Pengerusi. Saya rasa beginilah, Tuan Pengerusi. Akhirnya kita kena tanya, apakah yang telah kita pelajari. What is the lesson learnt? Dengan izin. Kita memberi exgratia, tetapi kita tidak hendak mengaku bahawa kita telah melakukan satu kesilapan dan kita tidak hendak mengenal pasti di mana loop holes yang dalam kita punya prosedur yang boleh menyebabkan kesilapan yang sama akan berulang kembali dan kita akan dapati ada kes-kes yang mana orang akan mengatakan seperti mana yang disebutkan oleh Yang Berhormat Pasir Mas bahawa sebenarnya mereka tidak dizalimi dan memang apa yg dikenakan ke atas mereka adalah memang patut. Lalu what have we learnt? Dengan izin. Saya rasa kalau kita benar-benar ingin membersihkan nama mereka, maka we have to come clean. Soal bayaran berapa hendak bayar itu, itu semua okeylah, boleh dikatakan itu satu perkara yang very subjective, masing-masing akan nilaik...

Majlis Makan Malam Bersama Tok Guru Nik Aziz

Majlis Makan Malam Bersama Tok Guru telah berlangsung pada hari Isnin 3-Nov bermula pada jam 8 malam yang bertempat di Ballroom Wisma PKPS, Shah Alam. Majlis tersebut telah dimeriahkan dengan perasmian kelab penyokong PAS oleh Tok Guru Nik Aziz Nik Mat bagi cawangan-cawangan di Shah Alam. Antara yang hadir adalah kelab Penyokong PAS Taman Bekerly (Masyarakat Cina), Kelab Penyokong PAS Seksyen 18 & 19, Sekyen 24 dan seksyen 7 yang terdiri daripada masyarakat Cina dan India di Shah Alam. Makan malam tersebut juga telah dimeriahkan dengan persembahan nasyid adik Ahmad Hibatullah Zawawi dan Juara Akedemi Nasyid, Azhan Atan. Sila klik slideshow dibawah untuk paparan album yang lebih besar di Picasa Web Album YB Khalid Samad. Kepada AJK pelaksana yang terlibat terutama muslimat Shah Alam dengan kerjasama Pemuda Shah Alam yang telah banyak berkorban masa dan tenaga dalam menjayakan majlis ini , pihak kami ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih, Jazakallahukhairon Kathiraa. -Pejabat YB Kha...

RM10.5 million for six former judges

By : V. Vasudevan and Eileen Ng "...Mahfuz Omar (Pas-Pokok Sena) said while he did not deny that the judges deserved the money, he did not understand why they were given both ex gratia and pensions. Wee Choo Keong (PKR-Wangsa Maju) said "those who were sacked automatically lose their pensions". In reply, Nazri said the six were not sacked but were asked to retire early. "As a result, they would still be entitled to pensions." Khalid Abdul Samad (Pas-Shah Alam) claimed that the payments proved executive interference in the judiciary. "At the end of the day, we must ask ourselves, what are the lessons learnt? "The amount is subjective, but what is important is to admit that at that time, there was abuse of power by the executive branch towards the judiciary," he said..." More from NST -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Program Meraikan Bakal Haji Anjuran PR Shah Alam

Satu program meraikan Bakal Haji Anjuran Pakatan Rakyat Parlimen Shah Alam telah dianjurkan Di Masjid Al-Hidayah Seksyen 18, Shah Alam pada hari Selasa 28 Oktober 2008 bermula jam 7 malam. Majlis tersebut telah dihadiri oleh YB Yaakob Sapari ADUN Kota Anggerik, Wakil YB Rodziah ADUN Bt Tiga, dan dirasmikan oleh YB Khalid Samad. Majlis telah dimulakan dengan solat magrib berjamaah, Bacaan Yasin & Tahlil, serta diikuti oleh Solat Hajat & Isya' berjamaah. Kehadiran para bakal jemaah haji telah diberi cenderahati dan majlis tersebut tampak meriah dengan hadirnya kariah2 masjid serta sahabat handai bagi meraikan bakal jemaah tersebut. Para hadirin juga dijamu dengan hidangan ala kampung di akhir majlis tersebut. YB Khalid bagi pihak Pakatan Rakyat Shah Alam juga ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih diatas kerjasama bakal jemaah haji ini dan tidak lupa juga AJK pelaksana majlis yang bertungkus lumus menyempurnakan majlis keraian tersebut. Kita doakan semoga sahabat-sahabat kita ...

Majlis Sambutan Aidilftri Taman Berkerley

Majlis sambutan Hari Raya Aidilftri anjuran Kelab Penyokong PAS Taman Bekerley telah diadakan pada 26 Oktober 2008. Majlis ini telah dirasmikan oleh YB Khalid sendiri sebagai YDP PAS Shah Alam. Majlis pada hari itu telah bermula pada jam 530 petang di dewan orang ramai Bekerley. YB Khalid ingin mengucapkan ribuan terima kasih kepada penduduk Taman Berkeley yang telah hadir dan juga kepada Kelab Penyokong PAS Taman Berkerley yang telah bertungkus lumus menjayakan program tersebut. -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Majlis Deepavali Kota Anggerik

Majlis penyampaian sumbangan kepada Masyarakat India sempena Deepavali anjuran kawasan ADUN Kota Anggerik. YB Khalid Samad ingin merakamkan ucapan terima kasih kepada semua pihak yang telah terlibat bagi menjayakan majlis ini. -Pejabat YB Khalid Samad-

Kenapa peruntukan RM8 juta Pembangunan Pasar Rantau Panjang Ditarik Balik

Berikut merupakan petikan transkrip perbahasan Parlimen semasa sesi soalan jawab lisan pada 4 November 2008. Ihsan dari MPPAS . Tuan Haji Khalid bin Abd. Samad [Shah Alam]: Sekiranya benar, maka kenapa yang RM8 juta itu ditarik balik? Tuan Yang di-Pertua: Shah Alam, Shah Alam. Tuan Haji Khalid bin Abd. Samad [Shah Alam]: Dan begitu juga peruntukan untuk negeri Selangor. Datuk Seri Azalina binti Othman Said: Shah Alam, itu berkenaan dengan isu peruntukan dari segi dasar. Dari segi peruntukan Kementerian Pelancongan pun, Kementerian Kewangan telah membuat potongan dari segi perbelanjaan pembangunan di semua negeri termasuk negeri pembangkang dan negeri Barisan Nasional. Jadi, kenyataan Yang Berhormat Shah Alam kononnya begitu sensitif, kononnya hanya Kerajaan Negeri Parti Pembangkang sahaja mempunyai perasaan yang terluka. Kerajaan Negeri Barisan Nasional pun terluka, tetapi mereka menggunakan akal bila bercakap berdasar kepada fakta. Tuan Haji Khalid bin Abd. Samad [Shah Alam]: Okey, te...

What a Blunder!

The 4th of November saw Najib responding to all the issues raised with regards to the 2009 Financial Budget. The Financial Budget was presented by Abdullah Badawi on the 29th of August as his last act as the Finance Minister. The Budget was debated on at the Conceptual Level ( Peringkat Dasar ) since the 13th of October and ever since the first day the PR MPs have insisted that the Budget which was prepared at the end of August was no longer accurate and needed amendments. This was fundamentally due to drastic reductions in the Revenue brought on by the fall in crude oil and commodity prices. In the face of these persistent demands from the PR MPs, Najib refused to accede, to the very last day, the 4th of November. 411 may bring new meaning to the Feng Shui exponents and adherents as it was surely the date where Najib made a blundering start to his new role as the Finance Minister. Confidently unaware of the implications, or was he just arrogantly indifferent, he started his speech by ...