I wish to share with my readers today a short story concerning the Prophet (may peace and the blessings of God be upon him) during the battle of Badr. This was the first battle undertaken by the Prophet but the story which I wish to share is not about heroes and sacrifices as would normally be the case when talking about battles, but rather about humility and the love for justice. The story begins just hours before the two armies clashed in the following manner;
While examining the Muslim army and straightening their battle lines the Holy Prophet passed by Sawwad bin Ghaziya who was not standing in line. The Prophet prodded him with a stick he was holding in his hand and said: “Fall in line, O Sawwad!” At this Sawwad protested to the Prophet saying: “You hurt me, O Messenger of God, and God has sent you with truth and justice,” and demanded compensation from the Prophet. The Companions were shocked. But the Holy Prophet upon hearing this, offered this person for the requital without a moment’s hesitation. He uncovered his body before Sawwad saying: “Here, take your revenge and strike me as I struck you”.
But instead of striking the Prophet (SAW) in revenge, Sawwad kissed the Prophet’s sacred body. The Prophet said: “Sawwad, what made you do this?” At this Sawwad replied in a voice trembling with emotion “O messenger of God, as you know, the battle is imminent and I know not whether I shall go back alive. So in the last hours of my life I wanted my body to rub against that of yours!” At this the Prophet blessed hm.
The humility and high sense of justice towards all embodied in the personality of the Prophet as portrayed in the above instance has been a compelling force attracting people to Islam for Centuries. Although loved by the Muslims to the extent that they would gladly sacrifice their all for him, the Prophet was ever conscious of the need to establish justice in all his affairs. Never once did he misuse his position for worldly gain and his lifestyle was so basic that his Companions would at times cry on seeing the Prophet making do with the barest of worldly comforts.
The willingness of the Prophet (MPBUH) to accept rebuke from a common soldier in this instance, as well as numerous other similar cases, is an example to be followed by all Islamic leaders, in particular those in PAS. Our desire to emulate the way of the Prophet must also include the willingness to hear other opinions, the willingness to hear criticism and at times even to be rebuked and to admit to our mistakes.
This willingness to accept criticism would not in any way reduce the love and respect that a follower has for a leader, on the contrary, as was in the case of the Holy Prophet, it only increased his esteem in the eyes of his followers. As Muslims we believe that the Prophet (MPBUH) is infallible (maksum). The above incident at Badr was a way for the Prophet to teach the Muslim leaders of coming generations how to react towards criticism and even rebuke. Not by responding in a high and mighty manner, nor a heavy handed manner but instead by listening to the complaint and administering justice even if on one’s self.
In our desire to show love and respect for our leaders, respect them enough to tell them the truth, even though it is bitter and believe that they will be able to handle it in the manner handled by the Holy Prophet (MPBUH). Love them enough to criticize them when they make a mistake and never shower them with praises on the pretext of honoring them. Do not consider it disrespectful to criticize or question them for by being critical and always reminding and correcting them we will make them better leaders. By flattering them and ensuring them of our unquestioning loyalty always, we would be destroying them. Refer to the speeches of Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Umar (God be pleased with them both) on assuming the role of Caliph.
WaLlahu ‘Alam
While examining the Muslim army and straightening their battle lines the Holy Prophet passed by Sawwad bin Ghaziya who was not standing in line. The Prophet prodded him with a stick he was holding in his hand and said: “Fall in line, O Sawwad!” At this Sawwad protested to the Prophet saying: “You hurt me, O Messenger of God, and God has sent you with truth and justice,” and demanded compensation from the Prophet. The Companions were shocked. But the Holy Prophet upon hearing this, offered this person for the requital without a moment’s hesitation. He uncovered his body before Sawwad saying: “Here, take your revenge and strike me as I struck you”.
But instead of striking the Prophet (SAW) in revenge, Sawwad kissed the Prophet’s sacred body. The Prophet said: “Sawwad, what made you do this?” At this Sawwad replied in a voice trembling with emotion “O messenger of God, as you know, the battle is imminent and I know not whether I shall go back alive. So in the last hours of my life I wanted my body to rub against that of yours!” At this the Prophet blessed hm.
The humility and high sense of justice towards all embodied in the personality of the Prophet as portrayed in the above instance has been a compelling force attracting people to Islam for Centuries. Although loved by the Muslims to the extent that they would gladly sacrifice their all for him, the Prophet was ever conscious of the need to establish justice in all his affairs. Never once did he misuse his position for worldly gain and his lifestyle was so basic that his Companions would at times cry on seeing the Prophet making do with the barest of worldly comforts.
The willingness of the Prophet (MPBUH) to accept rebuke from a common soldier in this instance, as well as numerous other similar cases, is an example to be followed by all Islamic leaders, in particular those in PAS. Our desire to emulate the way of the Prophet must also include the willingness to hear other opinions, the willingness to hear criticism and at times even to be rebuked and to admit to our mistakes.
This willingness to accept criticism would not in any way reduce the love and respect that a follower has for a leader, on the contrary, as was in the case of the Holy Prophet, it only increased his esteem in the eyes of his followers. As Muslims we believe that the Prophet (MPBUH) is infallible (maksum). The above incident at Badr was a way for the Prophet to teach the Muslim leaders of coming generations how to react towards criticism and even rebuke. Not by responding in a high and mighty manner, nor a heavy handed manner but instead by listening to the complaint and administering justice even if on one’s self.
In our desire to show love and respect for our leaders, respect them enough to tell them the truth, even though it is bitter and believe that they will be able to handle it in the manner handled by the Holy Prophet (MPBUH). Love them enough to criticize them when they make a mistake and never shower them with praises on the pretext of honoring them. Do not consider it disrespectful to criticize or question them for by being critical and always reminding and correcting them we will make them better leaders. By flattering them and ensuring them of our unquestioning loyalty always, we would be destroying them. Refer to the speeches of Saidina Abu Bakar and Saidina Umar (God be pleased with them both) on assuming the role of Caliph.
WaLlahu ‘Alam
ya, selepas beberapa ketika melihat perkembangan dalam pas ni, saya semakin faham mengapa semakin ramai pula orang yang meragui pas. lebih malang, memperkecilkan pemimpin2-nya. saya yang budak hingusan dan baru bertatih dalam pas sejak 23 tahun dulu, kini macam tersedar bagaimana rasa golongan kecewa ini rasa.
kata orang, terlalu tinggi mengarahap boleh menyebabkan kekecewaan yang amat dalam pula. dan saya berada pada tahap itu.
melihat kepada respons entri di blog ini, nampaknya, bagi sesetengah orang, islam itu adalah hak peribadi dirinya dan segala yang bukan daripada dirinya adalah salah belaka. walau cakap berdegar2 dalam ceramah atau kuliah (ya, ceramah atau kuliah adalah sesi berlkomunikasi sehala. memang sedaplah bercakap!) keterbukaan fikiran dan minda sangat sempit.
pejuang yang konon berjuang atas landasan islam tiba2 menjadi sangat biadab dan kebudak2-an.
ringkasnya - cakap lain dan buat sangat lain.
untuk masa ini, rasanya semakin ramai akan menjarakkan diri dengan pas. dan ya - pas (sesetengah pemimpinnya) tidak akan kesah sama sekali. apa sangatlah lima enam orang yang menjauhkan diri daripada pas, kan? kalau perjuangan benar, tuhan akan menolong.
untuk mereka itu, saya katakan - ya, ketika ini kamu tak kisah lima enam orang menjauhkan diri. tapi semasa pilihan raya - misalnya - kamu akan tahu nilai seorang penyokong itu. walau hanya seorang.
dan mengharapkan bantuan datang dengan tiba2 - kerana perjuangan yang benar - adalah mimpi ketika berjaga di tengah hari. ghairah mengarap keajaiban tanpa usaha yang cerdik.
sebab tu islam tak tertegak2 sampai sekarang. harapkan keajaiban. cerdiknya kurang.
cukuplah! enough is enough.
Dunia ini umpama lautan yg luas. Kita adalah kapal yg belayar dilautan
telah ramai kapal karam didalamnya..andai muatan kita adalah
iman,dan layarnya takwa,nescaya kita akan selamat dari tersesat di
lautan hidup ini.
Satu kisah dari sirah yg sangat menyentuh kalbu... walaupun saya bukan ahli PAS tapi harapan saya dan mungkin umat Islam lain di Msia sgt besar ketika ini utk melihat tertubuhnya sebuah kerajaan berlandaskan keadilan (saya pun bukan ahli PKR), berjiwa rakyat, tidak rasuah, makmur dgn keberkatan drp Allah. Walaupon sebelum PR12 saya tidak menaruh harapan yg besar akan keupayaan PAS utk membawa perubahan ini tapi kini tanggapan saya berubah. Dgn kepercayaan yg diberikan oleh rakyat dlm PR12 yg lalu saya merayu kepada pemimpin2 PAS agar penubuhan kerajaan baru ini tidak disia-siakan begitu saja. Fikirkanlah kebajikan dan kemaslahatan rakyat melebihi kepentingan peribadi masing-masing.
WaAllaahu A'lam
I really hope these matters do not end here, in your blog. I suggest that all your opinion(s) will be discussed with the pimpinan, TGHH maybe.
Don't just criticize here in your blog. Go to them. Debate if you have to. Go to them and face them, just like what Sawwad did.
Whatever the pimpinan (jamaah) decides, kami wala’, insyaAllah.
jgn guna kisah nabi semata2 utk mempertahankan diri kita sj. kadang2 kita berada di pihak yg salah.
nabi mengiktiraf kenyataan sawwad yg mengatakan nabi telah menyakitinya.
bagaimanapula saudara, bila nak mengiktiraf yg diri saudara telah menyakiti diri sesetengah individu dan jamaah? bermohon maafla. jgn la sikap 'dia boleh kutuk aku dlm blog, apasal aku tak boleh pulak?!!' bersarang dlm hati. kebebasan bersuara ada hadnya. kita dilarang mengumpat, mengadu domba.
saudara terima atau tidak, terpulangla. taufik dan hidayah adalah milik ALLAH.
p.s.- telefon kan ada. telefon la. baik bertegang leher dgn empunya badan sj, tak perlula nak tunjuk kat semua org.
diharap yb ambil iktibar dr kisah itu. sawwad meluahkan ketidakpuasan secara direct kpd rasulullah. bukan ckp kat org sebelahnya, bukan pula tunggu smpi tamat perang, dan bukan pula meluahkan perasaan kpd org di tempat tinggalnya.
ambil iktibar ye yb. tegur pun hendaklah secara direct. tegur dlm blog ni, kalau si empunya badan taknak singgah langsung kat blog yb ni, kena pula ada si penambah cerita yg bagi hot kat si empunya badan, misalnya yb menegur si polan, tp si penambah cerita, akibat dr kelemahannya merubah isinya menjadi yb sound si polan, kan dah boleh bikin hati panas. kita kena terima yg melayu ni sensitif.
Izinkan saya memberi sikit komen.
Ahmad kata:
"diharap yb ambil iktibar dr kisah itu. sawwad meluahkan ketidakpuasan secara direct kpd rasulullah..."
"ambil iktibar ye yb. tegur pun hendaklah secara direct. tegur dlm blog ni, kalau si empunya badan taknak singgah langsung kat blog yb ni,..."
Sdra Ahmad,
Kalau kesalahan terhadap peribadi seseorang, memanglah boleh settle diantara 2 orang tu. Adakah kenyataan yg tersiar di muka depan Harakah menyalahi peribadi YB sahaja? Tidakkah ianya mengelirukan beratus ribu pembaca? Begitu juga dengan Khutbah raya yg disebut. Untuk membendung kekeliruan ini bantahan kena dibuat secara terbuka sepertimana terbukanya Harakah dan khutbah tersebut. Kita kena bezakan....
Harap saya telah dapat menjelaskan apa yg YB nak sampaikan kepada kita. Amacam YB betul tak fahaman saya?
Izinkan saya memberi sikit komen.
Ahmad kata:
"diharap yb ambil iktibar dr kisah itu. sawwad meluahkan ketidakpuasan secara direct kpd rasulullah..."
"ambil iktibar ye yb. tegur pun hendaklah secara direct. tegur dlm blog ni, kalau si empunya badan taknak singgah langsung kat blog yb ni,..."
Sdra Ahmad,
Kalau kesalahan terhadap peribadi seseorang, memanglah boleh settle diantara 2 orang tu. Adakah kenyataan yg tersiar di muka depan Harakah menyalahi peribadi YB sahaja? Tidakkah ianya mengelirukan beratus ribu pembaca? Begitu juga dengan Khutbah raya yg disebut. Untuk membendung kekeliruan ini bantahan kena dibuat secara terbuka sepertimana terbukanya Harakah dan khutbah tersebut. Kita kena bezakan....
Harap saya telah dapat menjelaskan apa yg YB nak sampaikan kepada kita. Amacam YB betul tak fahaman saya?
errr.... 'openmindednya' pemikiran org begini. kenyataan cik pa tu lebih kpd realiti check di mana tiada sidang parlimen yg membolehkan pertukaran kuasa pada 16 september. kenapa tak terima kenyataan? jadi cam umno la sukar nak terima kenyataan. still in denial. ckp nak berubah, tp masih denial. adakah dia menghalang penubuhan pr? dr wawancaranya tidak begitu.
openminded ke kita kalau tak leh terima pendapat org? marah kat org tak leh terima pendapat tp diri sendiri pun sama... sengih je la.
ai, kenapa bantahan perlu dibuat pula? pi la jumpa tukang khutbah tu dulu, bincang apa side perspective dia. mungkin dia lihat perspective lain. al-quran tu kan byk ayatnya yg menerangkan isu ini, bukan setakat surah al-anfal.
perjanjian antara pr, adakah mereka menerima melaksanakan hukum ALLAH? nabi ada gugurkan dasar negara islam ke dlm perjanjian hudaibiyah? jadi sebarang khilaf mesti wujud, tp hendaklah kembali kpd al-quran dan sunnah, bukan kembali pada pr yerrrrrrr... terima je la khilaf. wallahualam.
ah, cliche nak bincang dgn org 'openminded' ni. tp aku nak jadi cam yb gak, nak berlapang dada, tp tembak dulu. jd aku pun nak mencliche kan org tp aku nak tembak dulu.
yb, check dgn DAP boleh, pantas, tarak tulis dlm blog, check dgn cik pa, lambat gileerrrrr, tulis dlm blog, cabar-mencabar....
skrg ni korg semua tgh carik scapegoat lah yer.........