by SIM LEOI LEOI The Star(21/8/08)
"... Khalid then played peacemaker by saying that although Islam was the official religion, the policy was not to make believers of other faiths to acknowledge that theirs were inferior.
Although Muslims believe Islam to be the one truth faith, this doesn't mean everyone else must acknowledge that it is a better religion. This is not reasonable, he said, adding that such a similar argument must also be applied to the issue of Bahasa Malaysia as the official language..."
by SIM LEOI LEOI The Star(21/8/08)
"... Khalid then played peacemaker by saying that although Islam was the official religion, the policy was not to make believers of other faiths to acknowledge that theirs were inferior.
Although Muslims believe Islam to be the one truth faith, this doesn't mean everyone else must acknowledge that it is a better religion. This is not reasonable, he said, adding that such a similar argument must also be applied to the issue of Bahasa Malaysia as the official language..."
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